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Aideen "The Knitter" and Aileen O'Brien

Aideen O'Brien immigrated from Ireland and settled down in Georgia.  She married an Irish-American, who later died, and had two children: Declan O'Sullivan and Brianna O'Sullivan.  She is known as "The Knitter" because of her obsession with knitting endless scarves, odd gloves and hats.  While she is very good at what she does, there are just some... mistakes... that she makes.

Aileen O'Brien, twin sister of Aideen, she married a Scotsman and had no children.  She was incapable of having children, so spoiled her sister's children like they were her own and continues to do so to the several generations of O'Sullivans.  One of the many constant arguments between Aideen and Aileen is who was born first.  They can often go on and on claiming themselves to be the oldest.

Twin's Sidhe Magick

- Mind Glamour

- Air Charm

- Body Charm

Kian "The Lorekeeper" O'Sullivan

Kian O'Sullivan is the elder brother of Eithne O'Sullivan.  He was left behind in Ireland while his parents went to America, unknowingly pregnant with his sister at the time.  Their intention was to send for Kian once they were settled, but when they discovered they were due to have another child, plans were set back.  Unfortunately, this left to Kian being unintentionally forgotten.  It wasn't until Eithne made a trip to Ireland, running away from America after having been turned into a werewolf by a mad scientist, that they met.  After a rocky start, they soon developed a bond that most wished they could obtain with their siblings.

Kian is next to become Clan Leader should Declan either step down or return to Tir Na Nog.  Kian is quiet, a loner, not usually sociable except for family events.  He comes off as intimidating at first, but is really quite the opposite.  He's all about keeping the family together, or at least in touch with one another, and is protective though tries to not be overbearing.

He lives in Ka'Shin Territory and has his own cabin and forge.  He uses his Sidhe Magick to invent/craft new metals as iron and steel give him and his kin trouble.  It is also because of his Wild Charm that he is able to help his sister when her temper flares to keep her from involuntarily shifting.

Kian's Sidhe Magick

- Earth Charm

- Wild Charm

- Mind Glamour

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